Effect of aerobic training and spirulina supplementation on mitochondrial-derived peptides in overweight elderly men

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Physical Education and Sport Science, Ayatollah Amoli Branch, Islamic Azad University, Amol, Iran


Background and Objective: Mitochondrial-derived peptides (MDPs) humanin (HN) and MOTS-c are involved in cell survival, suppression of apoptosis, and metabolism. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of aerobic exercise (AT) with Spirulina supplementation (SP) on MDPs in overweight elderly men.
Materials and Methods: In this clinical trial study, 40 overweight elderly men (age 57.50±4.84 years, BMI 26.90±2.85 kg/square meters) were selected from Anzali and were randomly divided into five groups Control-Normal (CN), Overweight (Obe), Overweight-Aerobic Training (ObeAT), Overweight-Spirulina (ObeSP) and Overweight-Aerobic Training-Spirulina (ObeATSP). Training groups participated in an aerobic exercise program for eight weeks, five sessions per week (with an intensity of 65 to 85% of maximum heart rate, 40 minutes). The groups of ObeSP and ObeATSP were provided two 500 mg SP tablets daily in the morning and evening. Data were tested using dependent t-test and analysis of covariance at a significance level of p<0.05.
Results: It was shown that AT and SP increased HM (P=0.026 and P=0.046) and MOTS-c (P=0.005 and P=0.018). Simultaneous intervention of AT and SP also had a positive and strengthening effect on increasing HM (P=0.00001) and MOTS-c (P=0.0001). Fat profile also improved following AT and SP consumption (p<0.05).
Conclusion: AT and SP improve mitochondrial function by improving serum HM and MOTS-c levels as well as fat profile and improve metabolic status in overweight men. Nevertheless, the effect of the combination of exercise and supplementation was greater.


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