Prediction of blood glucose level in patients with type 2 diabetes through early maladaptive schemas



Background and Objective: Diabetes is a chronic disease that is increasing in prevalence globally. Previous studies have shown that psychological factors play a role in diabetes. This research aimed to predict blood glucose control by the use of early maladjusted schemas in patients with type 2 diabetes.
Materials and Methods: The research population consisted of all type 2 diabetic patients referring to the two centers of Alzahra school of charity hospital and Diabetes Research Institute of Tehran University of Medical Sciences and 300 patients were chosen as sample by convenience sampling method. Data gathered by the use of Young Schema questionnaire and analyzed by regression.
Results: The results showed that among the early maladaptive schemas of social isolation/alienation, defect/shame, vulnerability to disease, obedience, emotional inhibition, endurance/over-critical criteria and inadequate self-discipline/self-discipline were significantly controlled poor blood glucose levels are significantly predicted (P <0.01).
Conclusion: Early maladaptive schemas as one of the psychological characteristics of individuals can predict the level of blood glucose control in patients with type 2 diabetes and it is suggested that in preventive and therapeutic interventions for diabetes pay attention to this psychological quality.


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