The role of resiliency and age to adjustment in patients with signs and symptoms of chronic pain


Background and Objective: Resiliency and age are two important variables that play a role in patient compliance with disease. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the role of resiliency and age to adjustment in patients with signs and symptoms of chronic pain.

 Materials and Methods: In a descriptive and correlational study, 154 patients (64 males and 90 females) with chronic pain referred to Imam Khomeini hospital pain clinic and with voluntary sampling method were selected. Participants completed demographic inventory, Resiliency Scale (CS_RISC), Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS_21) & Roland–Morris Disability Questionnaire (RDQ). The data were analyzed by Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis.

Results: The correlation coefficients showed that resiliency with anxiety, depression, stress and physical disability had a significantly negative correlation and age had a significant positive correlation with physical disabilities. The results also showed that resilience can be a negative predictor for anxiety, depression, stress and physical inability and age can be positively a predictor for physical inability.

Conclusion: These findings suggest that resiliency is a protective factor in adjustment with chronic pain. it is noticeable that older people more likely to report physical functional limitations due to chronic pain and it should be considered in pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies designed for patients with chronic pain.


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