The effect of an educational program based on Kemp model on smoking refusal ability in the male adolescents



and Objective: The multinational tobacco industry has made
targeting of youth for increased tobacco use a priority, and adolescent smoking
remains an important public health issue around the world. The purpose of this
paper was to evaluate the impact of training programs based on Kemp model on
smoking refusal ability in the male adolescents.   Materials
and Methods: The present study was a Quasi-experimental study that
carried out on 150 male adolescent students (high school) that were randomly
selected and assigned to case (n=75) and control (n=75) groups. The sampling
method was multi-stage Sampling. Data collection tool that was a questionnaire
that its validity and reliability confirmed by experts and Cornbrash’s alpha
coefficient. After primary data collection, educational intervention was
performed and 6 months later data was collected again and analyzed in SPSS16
software using descriptive and analytical statistics.   Results: Before intervention, the
mean scores of knowledge, perceived benefits and threat, smoking refusal
ability and tobacco use were not significantly different in two studied groups.
After intervention, mean score of all mentioned variables increased
significantly in case group but it was not different in control group. Also,
cigarette smoking rate decreased significantly among the intervention group
after intervention (p < 0.001) (before intervention 17%, after intervention 8%
in the case group).   Conclusion:
study showed that training based on Kemp < /span>
model was useful in promotion of smoking
refusal ability and decreased the tobacco use in the male adolescents.  
