Evaluation of the efficacy of walking on estrogen hormone and some cardiovascular risk factors in non-athlete menopausal women



Background and Objective: In menopause period, estrogen production decreases and this leads to increases of blood lipoproteins and LP(a) and at last to increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Because physical activity is important in prevention of cardiovascular diseases, this study intended to investigate the effect of eight-week walking program on serum lipids and LP(a) and estrogen hormone concentration in non-athlete Iranian menopausal women. Materials and Methods: Twenty two healthy women (47-55 years) were the statistical sample of this study. They were randomly divided into two groups, i.e., experimental and control. At first, anthropometric characteristics including height, weight, and body mass index (BMI) were measured and recorded. Then, blood sample was taken from anterior vein (10 ml), while they did not eat any food for12 hours. Experimental group were directed to the walking program (with 60 percent of reserve heart rate for 30 minutes in first week and with 70 percent of reserve heart rate for 60 minutes in final week). Then, BM I, resting blood sample, and serum lipids and LP(a) and estrogen hormone concentration were again measured. For pre-test and post-test data comparison between groups, independent t-test and Mann-Whitney U test were applied. Results: According to results, there was a significant difference between serum lipids and LP(a) and BMI before and after the training in experimental group while a non-significant difference was observed in control group. Also, there was not a significant change in estrogen hormone within groups. Conclusion: According to these results, 8-week walking program had a beneficial effect on menopausal women’ serum lipids and LP(a) concentration and BMI.
