Calcifying Odontogenic Cyst Associated with Complex Odontoma - An Uncommon Case



  Background & Objective: Calcifying Odontogenic Cyst (COC) (Gorlin) is an uncommon odontogenic lesion. In new classification was named as cystic calcifying odontogenic tumor. Thus, COC which is associated with odontoma is uncommon. There is little information combined lesion, therefore, a case of COC with complex odontomawas reported here.   Case Report: The patient was a 39 year old male which reffered with complaint of swelling without pain in posterior left body of mandible. In radiographic view was seen mixed radiolucent – radoopaque area. In pathologic appearance was found odontogenic epithelium of cyst with ghost cells and enamel, dentin, cementum and pulp. Treatment was done by enucleation. During 18 months of follow up no recurrence was observed.   Conclusion: Althougth COC associated with odontoma is not pathogonomonic in clinical and radiographic views, there are main differences in clinical appearance and pathogenesis which can be attributed to age.
